This was a very experimental project. I'm not sure if it would fall under the traditional art category, but it was very experimental because I've never really done traditional work (like painting on a canvas) before. For this piece, I focused on planet Earth as our only
home. We are living in a place we take for granted. The planet is allowing us to live here, so we should be doing our part to care for it. But a lot of the times, we are not. And we see this in global warming especially. Our planet is not well, and if nothing changes, it will continue to worsen until there is nothing left. Perhaps then, mankind will realize its true value.
For this project I wanted to portray Earth's unhealthy state. I used water, watercolor, grass, soil, ash, and mud to create this piece because I felt that using actual material from the Earth would give it greater meaning. I used mud and ash to illustrate the Earth's explosion of fury by smearing and splattering the material all over the composition, and if you look closely, you can actually see the continents like a map, buried underneath all the pain and fury.
"Home"Mixed Media
This is a photo during the process of creating this piece. I incorporated actual elements of Earth to make this. I used watercolor for the water, rubbed grass for the green colors, soil and mud for all the brown colors, and finally ash and mud for the smearing and splattering affect over the composition.