Friday, March 8, 2013

There and Back Again

I first created this blog and the majority of its posts back in 2010. It's hard to believe that it's already been three years since then. I'm a little sad to say that in these three years, I haven't been doing anything creative or design related besides cosplay. Since I graduated in 2010, I've been working at the same job doing payroll and haven't had any real opportunities or even motivation to challenge myself creatively.

After summer this year, I am planning on making some big changes in my life by moving to Norcal where I hope to experience even greater personal growth by working at a different job while attending classes again. As I transition to this next chapter of my life, I still remain uncertain as to where my career path will be headed. Shall I revisit art and design as a career and actually use the degree I graduated with, or shall I pursue accounting using the experience I've gained in the job I've worked at for the past three years? Big decisions this year.

Other Art Blogs

Here are links to my other art blogs from when I was in school:

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Video Art Installation Class

I took this class during my last semester, Spring 2010:

This was one of my video installation projects. The assignment was "Closed Circuit Video Art Installation" where we had to use video monitors and cameras in a live, real time work that focused on how the viewer's body and consciousness is affected by the piece.

This is a quick sketch of how the installation is laid out, including the list of materials:

"Home" - Visual Arts Fundamentals Final Project

This was a very experimental project. I'm not sure if it would fall under the traditional art category, but it was very experimental because I've never really done traditional work (like painting on a canvas) before. For this piece, I focused on planet Earth as our only home. We are living in a place we take for granted. The planet is allowing us to live here, so we should be doing our part to care for it. But a lot of the times, we are not. And we see this in global warming especially. Our planet is not well, and if nothing changes, it will continue to worsen until there is nothing left. Perhaps then, mankind will realize its true value.

For this project I wanted to portray Earth's unhealthy state. I used water, watercolor, grass, soil, ash, and mud to create this piece because I felt that using actual material from the Earth would give it greater meaning. I used mud and ash to illustrate the Earth's explosion of fury by smearing and splattering the material all over the composition, and if you look closely, you can actually see the continents like a map, buried underneath all the pain and fury.

Mixed Media

This is a photo during the process of creating this piece. I incorporated actual elements of Earth to make this. I used watercolor for the water, rubbed grass for the green colors, soil and mud for all the brown colors, and finally ash and mud for the smearing and splattering affect over the composition.

Intro to Sculpture Class Work

The assignment was to construct a model of our shoe using only masking tape:

This was for our egg drop project. But unlike physics or other science classes where the main objective was durability, for this project we also had to focus on the aesthetics of the design. I had help creating this one. The egg is nestled gently in the plastic water bottle (which was cut so only the bottom part of the bottle is used). The plastic bottle is suspended by the colorful rubber bands (which were used for both function and aesthetic quality) to act as a shock absorber. The "legs" with joints also helped to absorb shock from the fall. The legs and box frame were made using straws and skewer sticks. As a final touch, a parachute was added.

A video to show its scale:

Go Green Flyer for Woovii, Inc.

Designed this flyer when I worked as an office assistant at Woovii, Inc.

Logo for Class Reunion

A logo I helped design for a neighborhood family friend - was printed in the event invitations and handouts.